Discovering you have gallstones, especially painful ones, is quite challenging.
On the one hand, how can you stop the pain? (I'm not talking about taking pain killer medicine, I mean, changing your habits to stop and not have anymore pain).
On the other hand, the doctors will most likely suggest a surgery to remove your gallbladder. They might suggest antibiotics and perhaps an ERCP procedure.
Knowing what to do, how to cope, choosing your path in this ordeal - it can be confusing and scary. Especially if you are more holistically oriented and do not want to rush into a surgery that may be preventable.
"Surviving gallstones" - all about how to understand and cope with the medical establishment when you are diagnosed with gallstones.
* Surgery? Yes? No? When?
* ERCP - recommended? Dangers?
* Antibiotics? How to cope?
* Leave your email address by CLICKING HERE and the guide will reach it shortly, you will also receive our best info on other health and spirit matters.
Life coach
Therapist (Naturopathy & Chinese Medicine)
30 years of treating and teaching Naturopathy.
Author of "Surviving gallstones", "Stop gallstones suffering" and other books.
Naturopath and Yoga instructor
Author of several books in Hebrew yet to be translated.
Together we have established
Chen & Shanni's Home of Cure
Since 1994, we have been treating people holistically for many ailments but our flag ship since Chen took out his own gallstones has been the classical "liver flush".
We Have upgraded it many times and have learned a lot from the process.
The experience we have gained we now share with you thorough our two digital guides, and in our blog.
Our experience shows that the best way to cope with gallstones is to follow our three step program:
1. Preparation and habit changes to stop suffering
2. Liver flush once a month till nothing come out
3. Preventative phase: learning how to NOT build gallstones and annual herbal washes.
DO NOT DO IT ON YOUR OWN .Why? read the related blog article
Not all the people diagnosed with gallstones suffer for them. It is said that 70% never feel the pain, what's called an "a-symptomatic disease". They usually discover it by mistake, testing for something else.
If you, on the other hand, DO know what liver colic feels like, this part of our site is for you!
First off, it is important to know that not all pain in the upper region of your belly is necessarily gallstone related. Just because you were diagnosed as having gallstones does not automatically prove the pain is from the stones. I am saying this because from our experience, many people come with gallstones and with pain from something else.
When you read our second digital guide "stop gallstones suffering", I explain there exactly how to tell whether the pain you feel is related or unrelated to your gallstones.
Why is this important?
Because you want to stop suffering, right? If you assume the pain is related to the stones, you will make no effort to find the true cause if it is not. This means you will stay with the pain till you resolve the gallstones issue only to discover the pain is still there. Quite frustrating, from experience...
Well, then maybe it is time to understand the why behind the pain so you can do what your body is requesting of you so the pain can stop.
Our way of helping many many people (Yes, in the past it was mainly in Israel) was to write a professional digital guide to teach how to stop the suffering.
Our guide - "stop gallstones suffering" has all the answers you need to treat the check list above. Important points to observe in nutrition, hydration, exercise and other habits, stress related practices and even some pointers related to self realization.
It is all there in one guide!
* Obviously the main group is those sufferings pain from gallstones.
* It is also for people who have undergone gallbladder removal surgery but still find themselves suffering from colic...
* It will help those not suffering but diagnosed with gallstones avoid future suffering.
* Those who are looking for a full flush protocol and all the answers to life i one digital guide... We are not putting the protocol in writing so as not to encourage self therapy without guidance. We have seen this happen to often in the past when we put the complete protocol up on our site. People (Israeli...) even had to gall to complain after doing it on their own without our guidance and things went awry...
My comprehensive digital guide can be in your Email inbox in a few minutes. All you have to do is press on the button below.
That is a very good question. We are planning on opening centers world wide with our training and supervision. Hopefully there will be one near you soon. There are therapists that already use the liver flush - we don't know them so cannot recommend.
You are welcome to come to Israel for our supervised lifer flush - if it is relevant, buy our guide above to stabilize your condition and then reach out to us via Email (You will receive the guide by Email - reply to it).
Most people who read and utilized the instructions in my guide found the pain gone in a short time. For Some it was not enough and the liver flush was an urgent need. For many the pain is unrelated to the gallstones but still many of them found relief in our guidelines. Those will usually need more therapy, not just a liver flush, depending on the root cause of their pain.
It is not my place to suggest either way but my opinion is that gallbladder removal should be kept as a last resort. I have seen only 2 out of thousands of cases where I sent the patients to surgery myself.
Whether you come to us for the liver flush stage or find a therapist experienced in the liver flush and that offers full supervision. We will gladly help you with the third stage of prevention. When it is relevant, contact us via Email.
The blog section of this site contains many of the answers you seek. Read through it and if you haven't found the answers you seek - send us an Email.