5 Rules of fat to stop recurring colic (Pain from gallstones)

By Chen Profesorsky - June 12, 2024
5 Rules of fat to stop recurring colic (Pain from gallstones)

A lot of things can help acute colic stop. What I would like to share here is what can help it stop and not come back.

The suggestions below are good so long as you have gallstones in your gallbladder OR liver. (In other words, if you list your gallbladder to surgery you might still need to follow these tips and get your liver flushed to avoid further colic...)

It is also important to understand that many people with gallstones suffer stomach aches from other thing unrelated. Do not assume it is it unless it is clearly it...

The main two reasons for gallstones related colic are:

1. Inflammation of the gallbladder due to internal friction with the stones.

2. Stones that leave the gallbladder or liver and get stuck in the ducts.

Both situations are influenced by the degree of intensity of the squeezing of the liver and gallbladder. Stronger squeezes cause more friction or pressure of the gallbladder on the stones and also raises the likelihood of stones shooting out of the gallblader or liver.

How can we affect the intensity of the squeezes?

By following the following five rules of fat:

1. Choose a phase of veganism. Oils and fats from vegetable sources tend to cause less powerful squeezes than fats from animal produce.

2. Avoid heating the oils. If you suffer from a many colic episodes I would say avoid altogether. If you only suffer once in a long while then you can simply reduce heating oils to the minimum comfortable. Not deep frying whatever the situation.

3. Eat what you need of these oils. No more. (For accurate and in-depth instructions - read our digital guide "Stop gallstones suffering")

4. Spread the oil consumption throughout the day (Don't eat it all in one meal).

5. Prefer the original sources of oils over pressed oils (Cold pressed oils are generally regarded as healthy but in this case, it supplies the bile system with a faster challenge and that can come at a cost). Choose unroasted nuts and seeds, tahini (well diluted), avocado etc.

These rules have proven themselves again and again with our clients. Then again there are other aspects that affect colic (Stress, motion, issues with self realization and more). These too have a place in depth in our guide mentioned above. 

If you are fully on this diet and still find yourself suffering - it often means you are still undiagnosed and should seek to better understand what is really going on in your abdomen.

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