ERCP scare - a happy ending

By Chen Profesorsky - June 13, 2024
ERCP scare - a happy ending

For years, since the ERCP was first introduced, we celebrated it.

It was a ray of hope that backed our liver flush efforts up. If anything went wrong - that could save our patient.

Thankfully we never really needed that since it never went wrong. not in thirty years and not in thousands of patients.

But... A while ago we had a patient in that went through the flush. Was happy about it. But before he could complete the reruns needed  to thoroughly clear the system, he had a spontaneous stone leave the gallbladder and get lodged  in the ducts.

The doctors went in with an ERCP procedure, found nothing... And sent him home.

Not long after he started feeling very bad and was wise to rush back to the hospital where they discovered he had been internally bleeding from a small vessel inside the bile ducts that got nicked in the ERCP procedure and nobody noticed. 

Apparently, this in not so very rare. The bleeding. in most cases it is caught on the spot, but some doctors, in some cases - miss this.

If you ever need an ERCP - go for it. It can make a great difference at times. Just make sure to ask in advance that the doctor take extra care to check for bleeding before he sends you home. Also, it is wise to stick close to the hospital for a while after this procedure so if you start feeling faint and weak - you can come back fast.

Stay healthy, live well - avoid the need for all this.

But if you are already suffering and don't want to feel you know nothing about what is suggested - read our FREE digital guide "Surviving gallstones" all about the medical options - what's what and how to best deal with all the options.

In health,


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