Why liver flush under supervision?
By Chen Profesorsky - June 13, 2024
Why liver flush under supervision?
When I first ran the liver flush on myself I was somewhat petrified. It was new to me, I knew I needed it... I only knew of one person, at the time, that had done it and successfully and even he was a total stranger from across the ocean...I was also young and slightly reckless, at the time (Thirty odd years ago).So I did what I felt like of the ...
Where do your gallstones come from?
By Chen Profesorsky - June 13, 2024
Where do your gallstones come from?
Have you heard the following phrase?"Your gallbladder is genetically pre-disposed to making stones"...There are two errors in this phrase I would like to point out:1. Stones are rarely formed in the gallbladder - they usually start in the liver and then slide into the gallbladder.2. Pre-disposed?  We are ALL pre-disposed. Gallstones form in the right environment in most people. It is the most common surgery out there for a reason ...
5 Rules of fat to stop recurring colic (Pain from gallstones)
By Chen Profesorsky - June 12, 2024
5 Rules of fat to stop recurring colic (Pain from gallstones)
A lot of things can help acute colic stop. What I would like to share here is what can help it stop and not come back.The suggestions below are good so long as you have gallstones in your gallbladder OR liver. (In other words, if you list your gallbladder to surgery you might still need to follow these tips and get your liver flushed to avoid further colic...)It is ...
Do you drink enough?
By Chen Profesorsky - June 9, 2024
Do you drink enough?
Do you drink enough?Were you taught that you need 8? 12? more glasses of water per day?And what does any of this have to do with gallstones?Lets start with the last question first:Gallstones are created when there is an imbalance between the solids and the bile acids in the liver and gallbladder. having too much solids (Mainly cholesterol) starts the process of solidifications that eventually turns into a stone.When you ...
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