Chan & Shanni's Home of Cure - the story!

By Chen Profesorsky - August 15, 2024
Chan & Shanni's Home of Cure - the story!

A long long time ago… When we were much younger and almost as beautiful ;)

We both studied in the same school for natural medicine on the same course of Naturopathy. In one of the classes (In aromatherapy to be precise) we clicked, and a beautiful love story followed.

We went through a lot over the past thirty years...

We did a lot of creative work clinically over the years, we worked with many cancer patients, we helped thousands download their gallstones without losing their gallbladder, and many who lost their gallbladder before we met had their liver cleared and flushed.

The desert oasis

We built a lovely health farm in Lotan that lasted a few years before we moved on. This was a unique opportunity: A special kibbutz with a powerful ecological orientations, 40 therapists in the neighborhood, in the desert (Clean air, dry climate and quiet to points that the migrating bird could be clearly heard). In this unique environment we created our vision of a true health farm. We saw many patients and the vision grew and focused for a while. 

Sadly, it had to end. My place in this community was not to be and the professional path pulled us away from this lovely desert paradise.

Teaching professionals

I started teaching even as was was studying Naturopathy, even while we were in Lotan I flew weekly up north for days every week to teach.

Now that we left Lotan, my teaching post grew and I had the pleasure of teaching many of the subjects in the Naturopathic section and the Chinese medicine preview. Over the years I moved from school continuing my quest for better Naturopaths in various roles (I taught a lot of Nutrition, supplements, herbs, classical hydrotherapy, and lots and lots of courses on Naturopathic Philosophy - one of my favorite subjects and Iridology)

Shanni Joined the teaching as well and had a pivotal role in the courses that dealt with food. Including a practical course on cooking for Naturopaths that we taught together.

Eventually, after about 30 years of  teaching in physical classes, I got tired of the "student mentality" and started teaching online courses to professional. I have now online a course on in deapth clinical Naturopathy, an advanced course on supplementation and even a Neigong course (Another aspect that will get its' place in another post I guess). They are all in Hebrew but will someday get translated.

Back to civilization ;)

We then started cooperating with local owners of rooms for rent and started running our miniature version of a health farm wherever we lived. We used the "health farm" option to help people process complex illnesses, life crisis and deep detox processes. 

We went for the post-partum package (Helping young couple recuperate from their first birth and go through that first hard week supported - Surprisingly, most couples thought it was a great idea but chose to do their nesting at home :p

Helping cancer patients cope with the illness and the path to health was another project we focused on over the years. Whether it was those who chose the combined "convention chemo option" + natural support or those who would not hear of the conventional approach and wanted only holistic therapy.

Thankfully we saw our share of success here though some sadly didn't heal, making this our sad portion. We know many of those who didn't heal had better quality of life while they were helped by us.

The Yoqneam chapter

A little more then 20 years ago we bought our current home in the little known town of Yoqneam illit. Here we raised our three organic children (who were born a few years before) and here we settled down.

We established a network of rooms of this kind all around us and kept at it like clockwork all through the years.

Much of our work here has been gallstones related though not all.

My focus over the years has been on deeper aspects of living; Self realization, stress management (A must in the middle east though by now an issue all over the world) and deep inner processes with patient that seek a more meaningful life and or are dealing with years of trauma and pain.

I added on to my Naturopathic and Chinese tools the ancient and amazing practices of Shamanic healing (In depth in another post),

The present and future

Recently, I decided that though we are doing a lot of good work locally, there are many people around the world who could benefit from our expertise.

We translated our digital guides for gallstone sufferers and used it as our first project - to share our thorough gallstone process with the world.

This is just the first project of many meant to translate our experience into value for you.

I look forward to share tips and tools with you on many other  subjects and tools. of the many planned are:

1. Snore no more: An in depth research into the art of prevention and healing of the age related snoring.

2. Shamanism for all - A practical guide into the practices I live by and wonderful tools for everyone.

3. Translation of my Naturopathic projects on Clinical Naturopathy and Supplements.

4. Marketing yourself for better relationships - an AI based idea that I believe all should have available at this time for a more accurate hunt for your soulmate :).

And many many more ideas that  will come in their good time.

Thank you for joining us on our quest for a healthier, happier world.