Exhausted? Could it your mental stress?
By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Exhausted? Could it your mental stress?
Mental stress and exhaustionGot too much on your mind? Are you a thinker? Do you worry too much?It could well be a central reason for feeling exhausted.The biological aspect (The fact that our brain uses up a lot of energy in proportion to its size) says that more brain = more energy used.Another side of this issue is that when we are mentally stress out - we tend to breath ...
Too tired for sports?
By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Too tired for sports?
Or is it the other way around?Sports for more energy and why?One of the most common reason people give for not exercising is: I am too tired for it.It seems understandable, right?While it is true that exhausted people can’t really power exercise, moving your body when you are tired is actually one of the best things to do for more energy.How does that work?When thinking about cell nourishment most people ...
Tired? How do you sleep at night?
By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Tired? How do you sleep at night?
Want to be energetic during the day?Here is a collection of sleep tips for you.I remember a client that came to me for help many years ago. His main complaint  was that he was tired. My first question was: How do you sleep at night?his answer: 5 full hours of sleep…For those of you who missed the humor here, 5 hours of sleep is a very good reason to be tired!If ...
Do you eat energy or exhaustion?
By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Do you eat energy or exhaustion?
I’m talking about food, obviously.If high energy is your goal, high quality fuel a.k.a. food is one of your obvious choices.I know very few people of would choose to refuel their car in a gas station known to have dirty and diluted fuel. Would you?For some reason most people today still treat their body to lesser quality fuels and the results are bad. Bad for health in general but for ...
Tired all the time? Here are some highlights that should hit the mark.
By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Tired all the time? Here are some highlights that should hit the mark.
I find that many people that come to our clinic for various illnesses come first and foremost tired.Philosophically speaking that does not surprise me because naturopathy has a saying that all illness come from four basic needs that aren’t met (on one or more of our life planes - physical, mental, emotional & Spiritual):Nourishment    Food can heal and can kill (And don't forget that emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment ...
Do you breath enough? - Life hack
By Chen Profesorsky - August 22, 2024
Do you breath enough? - Life hack
Do you breath enough?Weird question, right? Well… not so weird as you might think.A long time ago, when I was 17… I first ran across the idea of breathing exercises. It seemed weird at first, I mean, if you are alive you should be breathing just fine, no?It took a few minutes to discover that was not true.I started a simple breathing exercise only to get all dizzy after a ...
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