My history with gallstones

By Chen Profesorsky - March 17, 2024
My history with gallstones

Hi there,

My name is Chen Profesorsky, life coach, practitioner of Naturopathy and Chinese medicine in Israel for the past 30 odd years.

I would like to share with you my life changing history with gallstones.

It all starts way back around 1994/5 when I was studying Chinese medicine. I noticed that I was turning yellow and my fellow students were all sure I was turning Chinese ;).

It was obvious that I had an obstruction in my bilious system and gallstones were the obvious option.

At the time I was already a Naturopath and it was clear to me that surgery was not a viable option so long as there was another way. Since I did not know at the time of a working alternative, I posted on the (then very early and young) web a callout to whomever knows of a working, safe and natural solution to gallstones.

It didn't take long for me to receive a shower of wacky ideas... I will not list them all in detail because all but one sounded anything between unsafe to insane (Including one where it suggested that I ingest a (toxic) chlorine solution...).

Thankfully, one answer came through from a young American that sounded somewhat more reasonable - he sent me a photo of the stones he had removed + the name of the book where the protocol he used can be found. The book was the famous "cure for all diseases" (Modest, right?) by Hulda Clark. i found the book an interesting read (No more - I was, after all, a Naturopath by then) but the protocol I found in it for the gallstones flush (Not originally Clark's as she points out) sounded sane and somewhat safe.

Safe enough to try it out on myself.

I was young enough (25 or 26) and foolish enough... to attempt to change the protocol to my liking (Remove this, change that...) and the results were uncomfortable to say the least.

My second attempt came after a while - I had to fix the results of the first run first as well as to make sure I was stronger (The hubris of the young... I though I was unbreakable the first time). This run was smooth, without any real discomfort, and between the two runs - I had a pile of gallstones to show.

I was delighted.

After this success I sat down to think of all the things that might need an improvement on the protocol and once I was satisfied I have a good and safe tool at hand I started offering this service. At first only to people close to me and later to clients at large).


It has been 30 years or so. Over these years, my wife Shanni and I have seen thousands of clients with gallstone. They ranged in age between 9 and 86 (We even consulted once a case of a three month old baby of a relative and save her an un-necessary surgery) and many have a healthier life till today with little or no issues with gallstones. 

I have just undergone an Ultrasound to my abdomen a few weeks ago. No signs of gallstones!

Our challenge today, after helping so many here in Israel, is to share our vast experience with the world. The flush is commonly practiced around the world but very few have made it their life's work as we have.

If you are a practitioner of Chinese medicine and know how to "take the Chinese pulse" you may be eligible to join the ranks and help people around you with this safe and important system.

You are welcome to reach out to us

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