Too tired for sports?

By Chen Profesorsky - August 26, 2024
Too tired for sports?

Or is it the other way around?

Sports for more energy and why?

One of the most common reason people give for not exercising is: I am too tired for it.

It seems understandable, right?

While it is true that exhausted people can’t really power exercise, moving your body when you are tired is actually one of the best things to do for more energy.

How does that work?

When thinking about cell nourishment most people think "blood", Right?

What you might not know is that the blood vessels don't really reach every cell in the body. n fact the blood barely reaches the nearest "post office box" if you get the analogy.

The capillaries are the smallest blood vessels which are the point where the nourishment leaves the blood and heads for the cells. From here on the sustenance has no heart to pump it along. So how does this nourishment reach the cell? And how do the toxins from the cells find its way back out to the blood to be cleaned out of the body?

Well, in this huge space known as the "intercellular space", the pump that moves things along is call "muscles" :). Whenever your muscles squeeze and relax - they act as that pump.

It seems that we more often then not treat exercising as a bonus for health when in fact, enough motion during the day is no less important to our health (And of course our energy) then food, oxygen or water.

What good is wholesome food or better breathing if nothing of it actually gets to our cells?


Another life hack tip to consider:

Condensed muscles allow for less flow then long and flexible muscles.

But more about this on another post.


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