Where do your gallstones come from?

By Chen Profesorsky - June 13, 2024
Where do your gallstones come from?

Have you heard the following phrase?

"Your gallbladder is genetically pre-disposed to making stones"...

There are two errors in this phrase I would like to point out:

1. Stones are rarely formed in the gallbladder - they usually start in the liver and then slide into the gallbladder.

2. Pre-disposed?  We are ALL pre-disposed. Gallstones form in the right environment in most people. It is the most common surgery out there for a reason (This despite the fact that 70% of stones are a-symptomatic (Do not cause symptoms...)

There are a lot of myths surrounding the creation of gallstones and one simple fact:

You can still get harsh colic without the gallbladder.

So... How can I stop creating stones?

Step one: Find out which of the bad gallstone creating habits you have.

Step two: Remove said habits.

Step three: Clear already formed stones from the system.

Step four: Have a good life :)

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