Why liver flush under supervision?

By Chen Profesorsky - June 13, 2024
Why liver flush under supervision?

When I first ran the liver flush on myself I was somewhat petrified. It was new to me, I knew I needed it... I only knew of one person, at the time, that had done it and successfully and even he was a total stranger from across the ocean...

I was also young and slightly reckless, at the time (Thirty odd years ago).

So I did what I felt like of the protocol, skipping this, editing that.

I took out some stones. I also paid the toll for being young and reckless. I will not go into detail (Not writing this to scare you) but lets just say the second run was very different.

Over the years it became clear that many people tend to be somewhat reckless, light headed and will often miss-read or ignore some of the instructions when running the flus for the first time on their own. After a while we realized it is simply not wise to let people just run into this without guidance and supervision.

Another aspect for which I paid the price was that I assumed that being young (mid 20's) meant strong enough to handle it. I was wrong. 

One of the roles we play in our clients' path to a clean gallbladder and liver - we test their Chinese Pulse to see if they have the vitality needed to get through the flush intact.

We test for deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals and other support measures.

Only when we are satisfied that the journey ahead is safe and sound do we suggest to go into the first flush.

And that flush is always under our supervision to make sure the steps are taken one at a time, not skipped and to make sure we are around to help those who get stuck in one of the phases.

So to make a long story short:

Don't do it on your own. At least not the first time. 

In health,


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